What you can do with 2 markers

Hi lovely people!! 
Thank you for all the ones that commented yesterday! (: 
I really love to know what you think about the thinks I post, so if you comment I will be too happy today!
This day started sad for me, I realized my little plant died... poor Simon. But well, I arrived home after school and discovered this two markers my dad found yesterday! So, I got sort of crazy and take all the things in my room that seemed a bit boring I got these ones
My first little victim was my television's remote control! I know that almost anybody has a television, so this is a great way to give a small twist to your remote control.
My second victim was a small hair iron... I really love the result! This is why you should 
just loose the fear to decorating, it is a wonderful way to leave a piece of you over something.
Victim #3... This is my sister's recorder, I hope she doesn't mind the new look of her musical 
Okay... my toothbrush, I always looked at him and well I just thought it was too green. 
My little painting palette was cute, but too white! Now it seems really happy.
This is one of the small lip balms I used to sell, as it was never sold, I decided to decorate it 
as I wanted.
 But well, it seems this is the end of this post! I really hope you enjoyed it. And if you make some little but lovely things using this "technique" Please leave me a link of the picture!! I wanna see!
Have a lovely weekend lovelies,


I am happy to read all the comments and answer them! If you have a blog, please leave me your URL so that I can visit you.

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