April sponsors!

Hello lovelie! Well, I really like to have sponsors on the sidebar, from lovely blogs or shops! It's free. I like the idea to support each other, if you want your button in the sidebar for April leave a comment! PS. I will need a 170 wide button, if you would like to I can make a button for your blog. Have a lovely day! xoxo. (see you in a while)


  1. I would love to swap buttons!

    - Katie


  2. Hey, Monica!
    I would like to have my button on your blog and would love to put yours on mine but I have to figure out how to do it first. I'm fairly new in blogging.
    All the best,

  3. hey girl! I would love to swap buttons with you for April. you in?

    here's my button, just add the link :)


  4. hey i'd love to swap buttons =) xo

    pebbz | www.pebbzblog.blogspot.com

  5. That is such a lovely idea. I always wondered where people got their sponsors from. I'm a bit stuck though, because I don't have a button... although... I could probably figure it out! x

  6. I just want to say how glad I am to be one of your sponsors, It really helped my blog, thanks!

  7. I would love to do button swap :D

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi!I'd love to swap buttons with you! Send me an email please if you're interested! I need a 340x120 button from you.

    Erin erin@eef-etc.com

  10. i would like to swap buttons =) xoxo
    I already add your button to my blog :D
    html of my button:
    (a href="http://fantasicfancy.blogspot.com" target="_blank")(img src="http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll33/feriga/blog-2-1.jpg"/)(/a)
    !!! please replace ( ) by < >
    btw, I would like to know how you draw on the pictures? :)

  11. I would really like to swap buttons! I am new ad I just started blogging, so I really like the idea of helping each other! I would like to have my button on your blog and to put yours on mine but I have to figure out how to do it first. Can you help me?
    This is my e-mail: ros-a-lba@hotmail.it
    If you can help me to make a blog button, then I could put yours in my sidebar!!! Thanks :)
    BLOG: http://rosalba-fucci.blogspot.it/

  12. Hello! I would love to have a button! can you make one for me please? You are such a lovely person to be so generous!


    my email is smileyhozy@gmail.com

  13. Hello again! I was wondering if you could help me with your technical knowledge and all... I have made a blog button - hurrah! Was a lot of fun, however, I can't seem to get rid of the little question mark box between my image and the code. It doesn't seem to be affecting the use of the button at all, it just doesn't look great. I am sure I've just messed up a little of the code in the middle.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much. x


I am happy to read all the comments and answer them! If you have a blog, please leave me your URL so that I can visit you.

(URLs are automatically linked) (well, they should)